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ACT Prep Program

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

God willing, the Tennessee Coptic Orthodox Center ( TNCOC) we will begin hosting an ACT Prep Program at Saint Mina beginning on March 13th. This will be a 6-week course held every Saturday at two different times: 10 AM and 3

PM. March 13th will be a pre-test to assess where students might need help. The next four sessions will be used to go through ACT material. Finally, on the sixth and final week of the course, another ACT test will given to assess improvement. If you are interested in this program, please sign up using this link as soon as possible because there are only 20 available seats for the 10 AM class and 20 available seats for the 3 PM class.

Once you are registered more information will be sent to you!

*Please note that once you are registered for a certain class time, you must attend at that time for the entire course. There will be no alternating between class times.

Please use this link to sign up for the classes:


Thanks for submitting!

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